You can use this form to exercise your right of withdrawal within 14 days after the date of receipt of your order.

If the withdrawal period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public or non-working day, it is extended until the first following working day.

You can also send an email to by taking inspiration from the model below. Be careful to think about carrying all the useful and necessary information there.

You can exercise your right of withdrawal on plain paper or by simple email using the model above.

To the attention of Sue Ure Ceramics, “Les Bourdets”, 32300 Saint-Michel, France

I / we (*) notify you / notify (*) hereby my / our (*) withdrawal from the contract relating to the sale of the property (*) / for the provision of services (*) below:

Ordered on (*) / received on (*):

Name of consumer (s):

Address of consumer (s):

Signature of the consumer (s) (only if this form is notified on paper):


(*) Delete the unnecessary reference.

You can also use the online form below.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the house.